Web-Based Training

When to use?

The primary purpose of web-based training (WBT) is to provide guided discovery experiences where real-world branching scenarios, simulations, and games let learners explore consequences of good and bad decisions.

Design Strategies

Multi-Branching Scenarios (MBS). In an MBS, learners are presented with decision points where they can choose several options, with each leading them to a unique outcome. Typically these outcomes fall into three categories: positive, neutral, or negative. If a less-favorable response is selected, learners have a new scenario that presents an opportunity to recover the situation, just as you would in real life in front of a customer. (short sims)

Gamification. Gamification takes game elements (such as points, badges, leaderboards, competition, achievements) and applies them to a non-game setting. It has the potential to turn routine, mundane tasks into refreshing, motivating experiences.

Digital Storytelling. Emotions help form connections. If we can develop compelling stories that engage our audiences, then we increase the likelihood that learners will remember critical content and perform correctly when the time comes. Human beings interact best within the context of a story and communicate best when telling or listening to interesting stories. This is hardly surprising, since storytelling is the primary means that we, as human beings, have used to communicate over the millennia. Instead of providing education about your product or program, tell a story about how your audience could be using it to improve their lives, or how others are already doing it. Stories are key to connecting with your audience on a personal level that will make your messages meaningful and memorable.

Interactive Video. Interactive video allows viewers to choose the story line the storyteller is going to tell, rather than being “talked at” by the video presenter in a one-way information dump. Interactive video merges storytelling with the interactivity of the Web to create a personalized, immersive, user-driven experiences. Linear videos are useful for learning, but they are passive. While these types of video may be interesting and engaging to a certain degree, the viewer/learner does not participate or interact. Interactive video is highly successful and effective when used appropriately, used within the right setting, with the right mindset, and putting it into context—and then leveraging around an entire employee experience.